Chin Augmentation

Enhance the chin to achieve a well-defined, balanced facial profile.



A receding or “weak” chin, also known as microgenia, can cause significant facial imbalance that is most noticeable on side or profile view. For a well-defined facial profile, Dr. Saba Ghorab offers chin augmentation in Scottsdale to enhance chin projection.


Microgenia is a small, under-developed chin in an otherwise normal mandible, or jaw bone. On side view, the chin lacks anterior projection, sitting behind the lips with a “pushed back” look. A small chin creates imbalance with other facial features, especially the nose which appears larger than it really is.


Scottsdale chin augmentation, using a silicone implant, fat grafting, or dermal filler injection, increases projection and size of the chin for more definition and balance with the rest of the face. Usually performed in under an hour, Dr. Ghorab custom-tailors chin augmentation based on individual characteristics and needs. She is accomplished in creating an aesthetically-pleasing chin for both men and women in Scottsdale. 


What Can Chin Augmentation Help With?


You could be a candidate for a chin implant if you experience:

      • Small, under-projected chin (microgenia)
      • Loss of definition and poor neck contouring due to a small chin
      • Appearance of a large nose or mouth/teeth due to a small chin
      • Desire to create a well-proportioned and balanced facial profile

Big Nose or Small Chin?


Did you know that when the chin is too small, the human eye perceives the nose as being too big? While people may notice a facial profile that is off balanced, they don’t always understand why.

A small, receded chin gives the false appearance of a large nose that sticks out too much. Interestingly, it’s not uncommon for people to seek out a rhinoplasty for this!

A trained eye can perform a facial analysis, using established parameters for facial aesthetic “ideals”. This expert assessment is helpful during a consultation for formulating a custom aesthetic plan that caters to individual needs.

Not All Chins are Created Equally


Like many features of the face, the chin is a gender-defining feature, with its size and shape giving a masculine or feminine appearance. A stronger chin that juts out is perceived as a masculine feature whereas a smaller chin appears more feminine.

As a result, an under-developed chin tends to be more bothersome for those who desire to appear masculine. Chin augmentation is a great solution for increasing masculinity by enhancing the projection of the chin.

While a smaller chin is more forgiving in women, chin augmentation may still be desirable! Creating a more defined chin can maintain femininity and create harmony with other facial features, especially a nose that otherwise appears disproportionately large.

Make a Statement

Schedule a consultation to learn if chin augmentation is right for you!

Chin Implant


Chin augmentation can be achieved using silicone implants, which come in many different sizes and shapes for custom fitting of a natural, aesthetically-pleasing chin.

Chin implant is an outpatient surgery performed using local and twilight anesthesia. During the procedure, a small incision is made along a natural crease under the chin or inside the mouth. The implant is placed over the chin bone, or anterior mandible, to increase its anterior projection and size. The incision is closed using sutures which dissolve on their own or are removed one week after surgery.

A silicone implant is a permanent solution that can build up the chin for crisp contours and definition. However, the implant can still be removed if there’s ever a need or desire.

Chin Fat Grafting


Chin fat grafting is a minimally invasive surgical technique in which an individual’s own adipose tissue is injected underneath the skin for chin augmentation.

It is an outpatient surgery performed using local and twilight anesthesia. Donor fat is taken from the belly or thighs, processed, and injected into the chin using specialized equipment.

Using one’s own fat is the most natural solution for enhancing the chin. Depending on the quality of the transferred fat and individual factors, this semi-permanent to permanent solution lasts 2 years or longer.

Chin Dermal Filler Injection


Dermal filler injection for chin augmentation is a quick, non-invasive procedure performed in clinic using topical anesthesia only. The results are immediately noticeable and there is minimal downtime.

Though long-lasting, this is not a permanent solution since dermal filler products are absorbed by the body over time. Depending on the product and individual factors, results generally last 12 to 18 months.

Bring Back the Balance

Interested in a stronger chin for better facial profile balance? We can help.

Facial Aesthetic Wellness at Saba Plastic Surgery


We are committed to delivering the naturally stunning results you desire. Our staff takes great care to ensure you receive the best chin augmentation in Scottsdale and enjoy the process, too!


You Can Expect To:


Feel safe, supported, and pampered, with attention paid to all the details.


Be expertly guided through a transformational process that goes deeper than just the skin.


Face each new day with a renewed sense of vitality, confidence, and positive energy.

“The face is arguably our most unique physical characteristic and central to our sense of identity. It not only affects our self-perception but also how others perceive us.”

— Dr. Ghorab

Why Choose Dr. Ghorab for Chin Augmentation?


With focused expertise in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Saba Ghorab can enhance your chin without compromising the overall integrity of your facial structures. She prides herself in delivering lasting, natural results that help you look and feel your best.

Schedule a visit with Dr. Ghorab to discuss your aesthetic self care.


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We are excited to be part of your aesthetic care journey at Saba Plastic Surgery. Thank you for trusting us with your face.